Attention: Women 40-60 who want to lose weight and improve their health
Start Losing Weight and Feeling Great
in Just 4 Weeks!
For the Woman Who Has Tried Everything
Watch this video to learn how it works…
If you've tried all the weight loss products and plans
and yet still are overweight,
I can help you.
With most weight loss companies, you are at best RENTING your results.
While you are taking the product and/or following the plan, you lose weight.
But you never had any intention of (or desire to) keep doing that thing forever – you were just using willpower to do it short term.
But willpower isn't sustainable for life, so you don't get results for life.
That's why all those programs stopped working. Those one-to-many programs don't help YOU personally become a different person. The kind of person who just naturally enjoys making healthy choices.
But Weight University from Lisa Duke Coaching isn't a weight loss product or a meal plan.
I'm teaching you skills and providing you with services that will lead to you reinventing yourself as a healthy person.
I know this approach works, because I was my first client.
I was convinced there was something wrong with me, but that the doctors just hadn't found it.
But then I learned a combination of techniques that allowed me to get to the root cause of what had been in my way before. Subconscious obstacles came to the surface and dissolved. By doing the deep mindset work I lost weight by losing what was driving the overeating.
But I'm not a magic unicorn. As you can see from the testimonials below, these techniques don't ONLY work for me.
But hey, if it doesn't work for you, no worries.
My program's so good it has a money back guarantee.
If you finish the 6 month program and aren't completely blown away, I'll give you your cash back.
You have nothing to lose but the weight.
Ready to start? Email me at to find a time that works for us to meet via Zoom.
Clients have enjoyed results such as:
Debbi worked with me for one month and has now lost 65 pounds
Sabrena lost 20 pounds in two months
Lindsay lost 35 pounds
Roz lost 8 pounds in 8 weeks to get ready for a wedding
Tracy lost 5 pounds in 3 months despite having knee surgery and being unable to exercise
Kate hit her goal to lose 10 pounds and learned “weight loss doesn't have to involve suffering”
Barbara is down 30 pounds and said, “this doesn't feel like being on a diet”
Laura lost 21 pounds in 4 months
Trish lost a pound a week every week – during the holidays!
- Katherine went from a size 14 to a size 10
Are you ready to get ready to be the next testimonial for this program?
Thanks to my money back guarantee, there's nothing to lose besides the weight.
Wondering what you get?
Unlike most coaches, I don't require you to commit to the whole program up front before you see what exactly it is and whether or not it will work for you.
Pay for the first monthly package, and then you choose whether or not to proceed.
Each package includes:
- 4 live, one on one, 60 minute-long sessions via Zoom
- Unlimited email support
- Lifetime access to the supporting materials for the topics covered in those sessions, including videos, articles, and worksheets
- Measurable results – you'll be feeling and looking better before you know it.
This process works for millennial women over 40 and Gen X women under 60. It will work for you. You can do this. You just need a new approach.
Wondering what the program costs?
With Weight University, you only pay $350 for the first month, and then we have a conversation in which you decide whether or not to continue on.
If you do want to continue, the cost for each monthly package is the same, and prices are locked in for a year. So if you start at $350 in November, you have until the following November to complete the 4 month program without a price increase.
Why is this program so effective?
I'm not teaching you nutrition. I'm teaching you how to change your behavior. How to get yourself to do what you know you should be doing, but can't get yourself to do. And that's a skillset that will help you in every area of life.

This program is different from what the diet industry is selling.
The diet industry gets it wrong.
They think we don't know that eating vegetables and walking are a good idea.
We do. We just can't get ourselves to do the things we know we ought to do – or to not do the things we know we ought not do.
That desired behavior is not compatible with who we are.
But what if we could change who we are?
What if we could create new, healthy habits and stop old, unhealthy habits?
What if we stopped managing our yucky emotions and our stress with salty, crunchy snacks or with sweets and just started feeling better?
What if we could stop eating on the couch at night when we aren't even hungry?
That's the kind of support we need – and we need it at a soul level.
When clients work with me, they lose weight and improve their health. Even the labs at the doctor's office reflect the change.
But more important is how they FEEL. More energy, more vitality, more faith in their own ability to change themselves and the world.
And that affects how they show up in their relationships, at work, and in life.
That's my real secret mission.
Don't tell anyone. (LOL)
If we could get the weight off and improve your health – if we could make the whole food/diet/hate cardio/mental chatter hamster wheel a thing of the past – what could you do with your time, money, and energy instead?
More importantly, what could WE do if this struggle weren't absorbing our attention and destroying our self-esteem?
We could change the world, that's what. And it needs changing.
You see, there's so much more to lose besides the weight.
Let's get started.
Use the calendar above (scroll up) to select a date and time for your initial consultation.