Why Snacking Is a Problem

Why Snacking Is a Problem

 How to stop snacking when snacking is knocking you down.


Wondering how to stop snacking?

If you are over 40, you probably grew up with 3 meals a day, plus maybe a small snack after school.  And you probably remember that as a kid, even the adults were not as overweight as they are now.  While the problem of obesity in America has a lot of causes, I believe one of them is the prevalence of snacking.   Keep reading to more about the problem of snacking and how to stop.

When we snack all day long, we keep our insulin elevated all day long.  This keeps our body in non-stop fat storage mode.  We never allow our insulin to drop to get us into fat burning mode.

Our grandparents didn’t eat like this.  Remember the idea of not “spoiling” our dinner? 

Cutting out snacks gives our body a chance to oscillate between fat storage and fat burning mode.  If we never get to fat burning mode, we can't lose weight.

But how do we stop snacking?

To stop snacking, it's important to take apart what snacking is doing for us.

Snacking is a habit.  So part of what we'll have to do is break the habit.

 Another aspect of snacking is that certain snacks, especially sweets and refined carbohydrates, actually set off a cascade of happy chemicals in the brain.  So in addition to breaking the habit of snacking, we need to look at why we are feeling down and therefore need a snack to boost us up just to get back to “even”.

Breaking the habit plus digging into the root causes of why we feel bad can help us feel better without needing a snack, helping to make stopping snacking possible.

Are you ready to make a change?  I'm trained and ready to help you do it.  Book a call to learn more by clicking here.