“I’ve Done The Mindset Work.”

“I’ve Done The Mindset Work.”


Weight Loss Therapy/Coaching That Works

In this article, we discuss how to find weight loss therapy/coaching that works, and how to know if you are finished with the mindset part of weight loss.

I was talking recently with a friend of mine who wanted to lose weight and during the conversation she said in passing, “I've done the mindset work.”

Wait, what?  No. 

You see, your thoughts determine your feelings, which drive your actions, which create your results. 

So if you don't have the result you want, I know you haven't done the mindset work.  Not fully.

 You either have not yet found the right approach that works for you, or you haven't finished your work.

I get this sentiment – after I came out of network marketing I had leveled up so much that I thought I was done.  And I was.  For 15 years, I had what I needed to go where I wanted to go.

But in 2018 when I started my coaching business, I realized there was a whole other level.

So if you don't have the result you want, be open – there may be another level to which you could go.

Keep learning and growing and reaching.

 Try out a lot of different mentors and methodologies.

If we haven't worked together yet, I'd love to help you out.  Click here to schedule a call to learn how.

P.S.  Want proof that weight loss therapy/coaching works?  I'm not a therapist, but my coaching clients have gotten great results. Check out the testimonials page to learn more.


How Buffering Is Making Us Overweight

How Buffering Is Making Us Overweight

Buffering?  You may need a Certified Life and Weight Coach who trained with The Life Coach School, because checking out mentally and emotionally can lead to weight gain.

 So, you may be wondering, what's buffering?


I first heard the term buffering while training to be a Certified Life and Weight Coach through The Life Coach School, and it explained a pattern I'd seen many times before, but never been able to understand before.

I'd stopped my “retail therapy” overspending, only to start overdrinking.

Then I stopped overdrinking, only to pile on the pounds.

The problem was not the specific coping tool I was using, but the fact that I was using a coping tool instead of dealing with my emotions.

I was buffering.


You see, life is a mix of positive and negative emotions.   As a society, we aren’t taught what to do with the negative ones.


If you’ve ever seen a toddler in a grocery store, you know our natural inclination is to react to a negative emotion.   But as we get older, we understand we aren’t supposed to do that as adults.


So most of us go to resisting negative emotions, and one of our favorite ways to resist negative emotions is by taking false pleasure and using that to distract from or cover up the negative emotion.  This is called buffering.  And buffering is exactly what I learned how to beat when I trained at The Life Coach School to be a certified Life and Weight Coach.


We know we are buffering when the distracting activity has a net negative effect.  So for example Netflix is fine when it’s for an hour in the evenings, but it becomes a problem when it’s for four hours during the middle of a work from home day.


It’s the same with food.  Healthy food you eat for fuel because you are hungry is fine.  Unhealthy food you are eating to cover up negative feelings that later manifests as weight gain is a problem.


I was talking to a lady just the other day who had mentioned she’d moved in with a friend who was sick to help take care of her, and she’d been hiding donuts in her room to eat.  She ended up gaining 10 pounds from the experience.  That’s a classic example of buffering.


Looking for an LCS trained certified Life and Weight Coach to help you stop buffering so you can lose weight?  Let's work together.

  Schedule a call at https://lisaduke.net/schedule 
