Motivational Secrets
How to stay motivated to lose weight by ending self-sabotage.
Wondering how to stay motivated to lose weight?
First, it's important to know that the only thing between you and what you want is your primitive/survival brain.
Your survival brain is programmed to be efficient, avoid pain, and seek pleasure.
In that way, we are very like every other creature on this planet.
Even an amoeba will move toward food, away from danger, and avoid wasting energy whenever possible.
That's the gear that got us here.
The problem is, for most of us, survival is kind of a given.
And we want more than mere survival, right?
We want to thrive.
To succeed in this new phase of human history, we have to not be efficient (aka lazy) and put in the work to make our dreams come true.
We need to move toward pain – to open our hearts to hear what others are saying and to see what we can learn about ourselves from our reaction to it.
We need to avoid pleasure – at least excessive, engineered pleasure as it comes in the form of food products.
We have to reverse everything that's gotten us this far.
That's why it feels so awkward and so weird.
But the good news is that we can do it.
We can clear our limiting beliefs.
We can make a decision to plan ahead of time and to follow our plan despite the fact that we don't want to in the moment.
We can overcome, we can achieve, and we can do more than we thought possible.
So you see, the answer to the question of how to stay motivated to lose weight is just to remove what's stopping you from doing what you want to do, allowing weight loss to come with ease.
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