Client Case Study: “I’m Too Tired.”

Client Case Study: “I’m Too Tired.”

This weight loss success story shows that what you think about you bring about.

 Here's a mini-success that led to a bigger weight loss success story.

My client Christy had decided she wanted to create the habit of going for daily walks.

When I checked in with her the next week, it was not going well.

She'd planned to go for a walk after work the evening before our call, but she'd been too tired.

I asked her what she'd done with the time instead.

She'd taken that hour to watch TV… and that hour had turned into staying up until the wee hours of the morning.

So needless to say, the next day when she'd planned to get up early and go for a walk while it was cooler, she was too tired.

Then a whole day of work on just a few hours of sleep.  Exhausting.

So OF COURSE she'd also be too tired to go for a walk tonight.

“Do you see how the thought ‘I'm too tired' brought you more tiredness?”  I asked.

In that moment she got it.

This is a crystal clear example of how what we focus on expands.

She's realized that thought, “I'm too tired,” is just that.  A thought.  And in and of itself, it doesn't have the power to force her to do or not do anything.

When she has the thought “I'm too tired,” she can choose to go on a thirty minute walk while she's tired, which will help her body process through some of the stress chemicals that are in her body from the work day, which will help her reduce that “wired but tired” feeling that's keeping her up all night (but with only the energy to watch TV).

And once she's more physically tired, she's also more likely to be able to fall asleep early in the night.  Which will help her feel more rested the next day.  Which will make her brain less likely to offer the “I'm too tired” thought when it's time for a walk. 

And even if it does, she now knows she doesn't have to obey her primitive mind in the moment.  She can stick with her plan. 

That repetition helps create the new habit.

And that's how she'll become someone who just goes for a walk without questioning it.

That's how one small shift can lead to results over time.  And enough small shifts can help you write your own weight loss success story.

Are you ready to have your own breakthrough moment?

I can help get you there.

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It’s Actually Not About the Weight

It’s Actually Not About the Weight

Yes, clients come to me for weight loss, and I back that with a money back guarantee, so we both are very invested in them getting what they came for.

But I actually don't care that much if someone weighs exactly what some chart on the internet says they should.

I actually don't care that much if someone looks the way the culture says women should look.

Me personally, I'm much more interested in how I feel, and I'd like to bottle that feeling and just give you a free sample.

Because if you could feel how I feel for just a few minutes, you'd have all the motivation you'd need to eat more veggies and less ice cream.

You'd find the time and the cash for a yoga or Pilates class.

You'd have enough hope to dive into the deep mental and emotional healing work we'd do together.

Now, realistically, my life is not perfect.

I still have crappy feelings and eat too much chocolate and weigh a little more than the chart on the internet says I should weigh in order to be the perfect modern American woman.

But y'all, honestly, I feel sooooo much better than I did 5 years ago.


Because I've changed the thoughts and foods I use most of the time for fuel, and that has changed the emotions and the sensations in my body.

And when the yucky emotions do come up, I'm getting better at sitting with them and letting them process through.

I still have a physical reaction in my tummy to telling someone who wants a yes that I'm a “no”, even though I mentally am clear that I'm not exchanging money for something when I don't see the value.

But I'm doing better at being willing to sit in the discomfort, because I've learned in business and in life that whoever is willing to be with their own discomfort wins.

It hurts my heart to see women over 40 feeling yucky and thinking that there's nothing to be done.

There's so much to be done.

There is hope.

So I'll keep sharing as much as I can for free (are you following me on Instagram? I spend a lot of time there these days.).

But for those who want a mentor, I'd love to work with you to develop the skills I've learned so that you have them, too.

I want you to feel better, so then you can go forth and slay every day.

Or just relax for 5 minutes, enjoying the luxury and knowing it is allowed.

​Hire me when you are ready.​