ACE – Step 3

Step 3 of my proprietary methodology to help you get to and heal the root cause of your excess weight is ENERGY.

It may sound a little woo, but there's an emotional state that goes with weight loss.

It's the energy of “it's working, it's working, it's working”.

It's a positive expectation that changes your behavior.

You see, the pleasure of looking and feeling more vibrant and alive that comes from eating food that supports your health in quantities your body can easily process can actually become more compelling than a bag of Halloween candy.

It doesn't mean you'll never have a treat again.

It means you'll be eating chocolate or ice cream or chips for pleasure and free from guilt and shame, and that eating those things will be something you occasionally choose to do, rather than feel compelled to do.

Or you may lose your taste for them forever and wonder what all the fuss was about.

When you are in the energy of overweight, the solution to overweight is invisible/impossible.

When you in the energy of your healthy weight, the solution is obvious/simple.

It sounds a bit ephemeral, and it's kind of tricky to explain, but like porn, you know it when you see it. 🙂

Let's get you into the energy of a healthy body that's at a healthy weight because it's eating healthy food in healthy quantities.

It's an energy you deserve to be in.

From here, so much more is possible.

Schedule your free initial consultation today by visiting