Planning as a Weight Loss Tool
Planning is a great weight loss tool I use to help women over 40 lose weight with more ease.
One of the practices I encourage my clients to adopt is planning their food the day before they will eat it. So for example, on Sunday they plan and document what they will eat Monday.
What does planning as a weight loss tool do for them?
It helps engage the pre-frontal part of the brain, the neocortex, which is our most evolved part of the brain. This is the part of the brain that is responsible for long term planning. And THAT part of your brain is the part that wants to lose weight. You want that part of your brain making the decisions about what kind of foods you will eat, what size portions you will have, what time of day you will eat, and how frequently you will eat– all factors that control whether we lose weight or gain weight when we eat.
The other advantage of planning your meals a day ahead is that it gives you time to come up with options. If you think about lunch today for the first time at 2 PM today, you may not have many choices. But when we thought about lunch today YESTERDAY, that gives us time to go to the store and make sure we have healthy options available.
If you are looking for more weight loss tools, strategies, and tips (or if you know what to do and just can't get yourself to do it), I'm here. I can help. Planning as a weight loss tool is only one of the approaches that help my clients lose weight with more ease. Schedule a free initial consultation today at https://lisaduke.net/schedule.
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