How to Achieve Any Goal

How to Achieve Any Goal

Goal Achievement is a Repeatable Process.


What do money management and weight loss have in common?  Only everything.


What's the process to get out of debt?

1.  Make a plan for your spending.

2.  Spend only in accordance with the plan.

3.  Everything else is mind drama, and coaching can help you manage that.


What's the process to lose weight?

1.  Make a plan for your eating.

2.  Eat only in accordance with the plan.

3.  Everything else is mind drama, and coaching can help you manage that.

Wait, Lisa, you don't get it!  My situation is different because I have <reason>!

So… THAT is the mind drama. I've been trained on how to help you see that and to work through it.

Let's work together.

 Do you have a money or a weight loss goal you are working to achieve?  Ready to get unstuck?  Let's work together for free.  Schedule a complimentary goal setting session with me today.

Beliefs of a Top IT Consultant

Beliefs of a Top IT Consultant

It takes more than technical skills to be a great consultant.


As an IT consultant you need strong technical skills that are in demand.  You also need the right beliefs.


 Recently I interviewed Darren (AKA Mr. Lisa) and gathered up some of the beliefs I heard that are key to his success as an IT consultant so I could share them with you.  I hope you find them helpful!

1.   It's a puzzle to solve.

I know I personally have a terrible attitude when it comes to computer problems.  I just want the $%^& thing to work, and when it doesn't I get annoyed and frustrated.

Darren has a very different attitude.  He sees technical challenges as puzzles and knows he can solve them.

When there's a problem, there's no reason to panic or freak out.  It's a fun opportunity to figure something out.

2.  IT is about continuous improvement and change.  Embrace that.

Darren always says if you don't like change, you shouldn't be in IT.

You should always be looking for ways to improve what you have, and you should expect and welcome change.

One of Darren's mantras is “how can we automate this?”.  He's always looking for solutions, software, and systems that can allow him to do more with less (money and labor).

3.  If you are here for the money, you won't last.

Yes, IT is a lucrative field.  IT skills are in demand, and clients and employers are willing to pay a premium for your knowledge.

But if you are just in it for the cash, you won't have the right attitude for excellence.  You'll be focused on the bare minimum number of hours you need to log to get the paycheck.  You won't be excited to make the mental effort to learn the new stuff.  You won't be willing to invest in your education and your network.

Like most of us, Darren puts in a lot of screen time.  But most of that is NOT social media.  He's always following tech news (it helps he also has a great memory, so when he reads stuff he remembers it later). 

Don't focus on doing the least possible – focus on learning and growing and being a resource.  An extra hour of study a night puts you ahead of everyone else in your niche.

4.  Be good with people.

 Ok, ok – let's be honest – a lot of people get into IT because they aren't that into other humans.  That's why if you can do BOTH you can really be a superhero.

If you show an interest in how your clients are doing their jobs and how you can make them more efficient and effective, you'll find additional opportunities to extend your engagements beyond the initial gig.

If you take the extra time to help people use the applications you are rolling out, there will be greater user adoption (which means upgrade support in the future).

Any time you can combine two things that don't usually go together, you stand out and become unique (and more valuable).  If you can combine IT skills and people skills, you'll be more in demand.

People do business with people they know, trust, and like, so taking the time to get to know people and practicing being “good” with people is a great way to stand out in IT.

Ready to figure out what limiting beliefs are in your way so you can become a top consultant?  Looking for a mentor to help you succeed?  Schedule a call to learn more about how I can help you.