Earn More By Developing Your Money Patience

Earn More By Developing Your Money Patience

an you wait more than 2 weeks to see the results of your efforts?


Corporate America trains us that we work for two weeks and then get paid.  But if you can learn to wait longer, the payoff can be larger.


In my opinion, one of the main keys to succeeding in business, in real estate, and in investing in paper assets is the ability to put in the up front work and to trust and be patient that the payoff is coming.

If you don't have money patience, you won't continue to put money into your retirement account.  When the numbers are small and the timeframe is short, it's hard to see the point.  You might invest for a year and then find your balance is below the amount of money you contributed.  You conclude that investing is a scam, doesn't work, or that you must be doing it wrong – surely day trading on RobinHood is how the rich are doing it, right?

 Most of the rich people I know became millionaires over a ten year period, through starting a business, acquiring clients, investing the profits, and waiting waiting waiting, or through stashing as much cash as possible in investment accounts and riding out the ups and downs.  You could work for years in a business before you hit that right combination of offer, client, and belief on your part that makes everything kick in.  The marketing you've been doing will build and build and some day reach a tipping point, but for most people it's not instant.

 Real estate is not my area of expertise, but in my understanding, it's the same thing.  You might put down a big payment to acquire a property, then more money to fix it up, for a cash flow of only a hundred bucks or so.  What's the point?  But if you hold the property for 30 years, you'll wake up to find someone else has paid off the mortgage and now you own that property free and clear.  Oh, and also, thanks to appreciation, most likely the property is worth way more than the money you and your tenant put in over the years.  You can sell it and take the windfall or keep it and enjoy much higher cash flow every month now that the biggest expense, the mortgage, is gone.

 So why don't more people think long term?  Mindset.  They either don't have the hang of what they need to do and need some education, or they are doing it exactly right but don't see the immediate return.  They don't have the faith and the money patience to see it out and to build something for the long term.

If you are ready to manage your mind, your business, and your money with a long term view and to develop your money patience, contact me to schedule a free initial conversation.  We'll go over where you are, where you want to go, and develop a plan to get you there.

Debt and Consumerism: Twin Systems of Control

Debt and Consumerism: Twin Systems of Control

“Tryin' to make ends meet, you're a slave to money then you die”.  – The Verve


Let's imagine I'm Jeff Bezos, and I'm evil.  What do I need? 

I need employees (from the warehouse to IT and management), and I need them to be a bit afraid to disagree with my plans (convincing is such a waste of time). I need them to be too afraid to negotiate their salaries (scared people don't negotiate well).  And I need consumers – people who believe that their next purchase holds the key to their happiness.

 What I don't need is financially free people.

Free people might decide to take a sabbatical, leaving me to have to hire to replace them.

Free people might negotiate their offers on the way in and their salaries while they are there, since they aren't so terrified of not having a job that they sell themselves short.

Free people might quit when they don't like how management is treating them.

Free people might quit and start their own businesses and compete with me.

  • Step 1:  Go to college and take out student loans so you can get a job.
  • Step 2: Stay at your job even if you are unhappy so you can pay the loans.
  • Step 3:  Buy things on credit to try to cure your unhappiness, extending the number of years you are in debt and therefore have to stay at your job.

That's right.  If you are unhappy because you have debt, the cure for what ails you is buying things on credit! Isn't that what marketing tells us?  We just need a Lexus December to remember to cure our blues.

By teaching us that our happiness comes from outside of us – from our purchases, from our circumstances – society (and especially marketing) lines us up for even more debt.

What does it all add up to?

A system of control.

If you are in debt up to your eyeballs, you have less power, and you have fewer options.

I want you to pay off your debt and build up your investments so you become work optional. 

I want you to negotiate and work from a position of power.

I want you to learn that shopping is not the source of your happiness, and that the dopamine hit you get from buying stuff is short lived and not worth chasing.

If you don't NEED your job, but WANT your job, you are more likely to speak up when you see something that is wrong.

If you WANT some stuff, but you don't NEED that much of it, if you realize your emotions come from what you are thinking, not what you are buying, you'll be much more cautious about tying yourself to payments on stuff and toys.

Right now you are in The Matrix.  You think you are free, but you are only free to go to work and make the money to make the payments to pay for the stuff that you bought to cure the unhappiness you feel from going to work and making the money to make the payments.  You don't actually have that many options.

I want you to be financially independent so you can be free.

You see, it's really not about the money – it's about who you can become when money is no longer an issue.

If you are ready to make a change, take my money course for $197.

The Rise of the Divine Feminine

The Rise of the Divine Feminine

It's ok to be a little witchy.


Through a series of coincidences that can only be explained by divine intervention, I found myself crying in a money and business mentor's backyard office in Sedona, AZ.  One of the things she said that blew my mind the most was a passing reference to the divine feminine.


 The what?  No, no, pretty sure that's not a thing.  I'd been raised in the Protestant American Christian faith – a world in which God was a dude (with a long white beard wearing robes), Jesus was a dude (we know for sure because he was topless on the cross), and the Holy Spirit was a bird (but probably a dude bird, as you never see him sitting on a nest.

I was pretty confident that everything divine was from dudes, because if God were a woman she would have smashed the patriarchy by now.  She just wouldn't stand for it.

But the more I thought about it the more it seemed true.  There was a time back in ancient Greece and Rome when there were goddesses, not just gods.  And way way back before that, it seems there were Earth goddesses and fertility goddesses and matriarchy was a thing.

If God is everything and everywhere, it had to be the union of everything – the masculine and the feminine – actually rising above duality.

I do think there is a rising of the divine feminine, a growth in female power.  We see more representation of strong women in the stories Hollywood is telling us (hello Katniss Everdeen, Mulan, and the chick who was Divergent). We see strong women in music (Queen Latifa and Beyonce for starters).  We see more women in Congress (even if weirdly some of them are supporting the weirdest elements of the Patriarchy.  I guess you have to start somewhere).

 So what does all this have to do with money? 

 A lot.

 Historically money was the man's thing (with the exception of shopping, which was a woman's thing).  Women could spend it, but had to be dependent upon men for their supply.

 But here's the thing. Your man is not your source.  Creator is your source.  Creator will provide.

You as a woman were given skills, abilities, talents, intelligence, and gifts with which you can provide value to others and receive money – stored energy – in return.

You have the ability to learn about investing and take charge of your retirement plan and interview financial planners and discern the best way forward, just like any guy.

Let's not cede the high paying jobs to the guys just because they've set up shop and camped out there.

Let's hire female financial planners and lady money coaches.

Women have historically done most of the spending, so let's do that spending with small, locally owned, female friendly businesses.

If you feel unwelcome somewhere, take your business elsewhere.

We can negotiate our salary.

We can raise our rates.

We can team up and work together and promote women in business.

We can earn more. 

And we should.

I'm not against dudes – I'm married to a dude, I have clients who are dudes, a lot of men in IT have treated me with respect and I love them for it.  Those dudes are not the problem.

But toxic masculinity is.

And it's not just bad for women, it's bad for kids, and the planet, and for the guys themselves.

By us stepping into our feminine power, we make it more ok for the guys to step into theirs.

“Woman's intuition” is seen as a lady thing, but my husband is one of the most intuitive people I know.  He just calls it “spidey sense” so it seems manly.

Let's respect nature and collaborate and burn candles because they look neat and smell good.

Let's embrace the divine feminine in all of us.

Let's bring power to our own unique way of doing business and handling money.

The world needs us to do so.

 Are you a female entrepreneur who is ready to make a major investment in herself, her money mindset, and her divine power?  If so, schedule a call to learn about my high-end one on one coaching and mentoring to see if you qualify to work with me.  I make millionaires.