Your corporate wellness program isn't complete if you aren't including financial wellness.


According to 69% of workers are stressed about their finances and 72% are worrying about their personal finances at work.  

Financial stress is real, and it is a growing problem for many employees.  Today's young workers are coming out of college with record-breaking student loan debt, and older workers are often still paying off their own college loans (especially if they went back for additional degrees) while worrying about paying for a child's education.

 In addition to student loans, many employees have staggering amounts of unsecured debts a rates above 25% interest.  Credit cards get refinanced into personal loans and then the credit cards get charged back up again. 

The pandemic has added to the stress.  While your employees may not have been affected, if a spouse has been laid off our had to quit work to supervise children who are now being homeschooled, many people are under extreme financial stress. 

If your normal corporate wellness and employee appreciation events have been cancelled due to coronavirus, bringing financial education in to supplement what remains in your program can be a great way to support employees. 

Most of us did not learn about money in school or at home, and we are ill-equipped to deal with today's problems.  In addition to helping employees reduce stress, helping employees live well on the money you pay them may reduce their tendency to ask for raises as a way to cope with credit card bills, saving you money on compensation. 

I am currently offering a package of 4 classes on the topics of debt and budgeting, saving and money mindset, risk management, and investing education to help employees reduce financial stress and feel more in control of their finances.  The classes can be recorded for those who are unable to attend or for future hires. 

Additionally, clients have the option to include a package of one on one financial coaching sessions or a single sample session to help their employees work through personal issues that they don't feel comfortable raising as a question in front of a group.

When employees are able to reduce and resolve their money struggles, they are less distracted and less stressed while they are working with your other employees, your vendors, and your end customers, which means everyone will have a better experience with your brand.

If you'd like to receive a proposal for financial education to include as part of your corporate wellness program, schedule a call with me to learn more.