It's time

to feel


Weight loss coaching

and personal training

for women over 40


Weight Loss for Women

Learn healthy weight loss secrets that actually work.  Developed by and for women our age.

Personal Training

Improve balance, posture, and tone up with bite-sized training sessions customized for you.

Mindset is the Key

Work with a coach and trainer who will help you change from the inside out!

It's time to put YOU on the to do list.

Prioritize your health with a proven process that is guaranteed to work - or your money back!

Wellness-inspired Wealth Ideas

Wellness-inspired Wealth Ideas

Tips from the health world to help with wealth.   Q: "I love how you related your financial plan to a wellness plan! So my question is: what are some examples of weekly goals/small steps we can take towards paying off debt, saving, and a sustainable budget plan...

What Do I Do With Cash?

What Do I Do With Cash?

Q:  "For things like bonuses or tax returns where we get some money back- should we put it into savings and/or an emergency fund, or pay off debt in a chunk to get ahead on a repayment plan? Can you give a list of priorities again for the debt/savings that are...