It's time

to feel


Weight loss coaching

and personal training

for women over 40


Weight Loss for Women

Learn healthy weight loss secrets that actually work.  Developed by and for women our age.

Personal Training

Improve balance, posture, and tone up with bite-sized training sessions customized for you.

Mindset is the Key

Work with a coach and trainer who will help you change from the inside out!

It's time to put YOU on the to do list.

Prioritize your health with a proven process that is guaranteed to work - or your money back!

What is The Energy of Weight Loss?

What is The Energy of Weight Loss?

In order to lose weight we have to shift out of shame/guilt/apathy and grief (if applicable) about losing weight/current weight/body and start using at least fear (or better yet, desire) as our "emotional fuel". We know from The Model that negative feelings usually...

ACE for Weight Loss – How It Works

ACE for Weight Loss – How It Works

My ACE Weight Loss Methodology is a unique and innovative approach to weight loss that lasts. ​ We are solving the root cause instead of temporarily covering up the symptoms. ​ So how does it work? ​ ACE stands for: AWARENESS. The next time you sit down for a snack in...

ACE for Weight Loss – Step 3

ACE for Weight Loss – Step 3

ACE - Step 3 Step 3 of my proprietary methodology to help you get to and heal the root cause of your excess weight is ENERGY. ​ It may sound a little woo, but there's an emotional state that goes with weight loss. ​ It's the energy of "it's working, it's working, it's...