Attention: Those Who Struggle with Executive Function


Learn How to Get Yourself to Do All The Things –

Even When You Don't Want to Do Them!

From a coach who was late diagnosed with inattentive type ADHD



Overwhelmed?  Frustrated?

Ready to start getting caught up?

Email to schedule a time to chat.



If you've tried all the strategies from all the neurotypical coaches

(or books written by and for neurotypical folks),

and none of it has worked –

I can help you.

I've read all the books and bought all the devices and signed up for all the programs.

 And some of it has helped, somewhat, for awhile.

But the simple fact is, that all the “obvious solutions” that are “easy” for neurotypical folks may not work so well for us.

While there may be no quick fix to make you like everyone else (and would we want there to be?!? Ewww), the fact is that there are ways to hack your brain and your life so you can survive – and even thrive – in a neurotypical world. 

You can get what you need to get done – and forgive yourself for the rest of it – with the mindset strategies and hacks I teach.


 I know this approach works, because I was my first client.

I was convinced there was something wrong with me, and my diagnosis validated both my theory that I was different and my fears about surviving while different.

But then I learned a combination of techniques that allowed me to deal with my overwhelm and frustration and get on top of the never-ending list of to dos.  Subconscious obstacles came to the surface and dissolved.  I was able to make peace with the percentage of my life that just won't ever be neurotypical, while coping with what I still needed to do to succeed in a world that wasn't built for me.

But I'm not a magic unicorn.  These techniques don't ONLY work for me.

They've worked for lots of other clients, so there's no reason to believe they won't work for you. 🙂

But hey, if it doesn't work for you, no worries.

My coaching's so good it has a money back guarantee.

If you finish the 6 month program and aren't completely blown away, I'll give you your cash back.

You have nothing to lose but the weight.

Ready to start?  Email me at to find a time that works for us to meet via Zoom so you can learn more.

Thanks to my money back guarantee, there's nothing to lose besides the frustration.

Wondering what you get?

Unlike most coaches, I don't require you to commit to the whole program up front before you see what exactly it is and whether or not it will work for you.


Pay for the first monthly package, and then you choose whether or not to proceed.

Each package includes:

  • 4 live, one on one, 60 minute-long sessions via Zoom
  • Unlimited email support
  • Lifetime access to any supporting materials for the topics covered in those sessions, including videos, articles, and worksheets
  • Measurable results – you'll be thriving before you know it.

This process works.  It will work for you.  You can do this.  You just need a new approach.


Wondering what the program costs?

The good news is you only pay $350 per month for the package outline above, and then we have a conversation in which you decide whether or not to continue on. No auto-pay you have to remember to turn off, because we both know that's going to be a pain to remember.  Integrity first is my motto.


Wondering why it's so effective?

I'm not teaching you to put things on your calendar.  I'm teaching you how to change your behavior.  How to get yourself to do what you know you should be doing, but can't get yourself to do.  And that's a skillset that will help you in every area of life.

Let's get started.  Email me at to get started today!