Why You Can’t Stop Emotional Eating
Women over 40, are you wondering how to stop emotional eating? I lost 50 pounds at age 46 by learning why I was emotional eating. Once I understood why I was eating emotionally, I was able to stop, and once I stopped eating for non-hunger reasons, the weight came off with ease.
You see, what the mind wants and what the nervous system wants can be two different things.
This is one of the biggest challenges that gets in the way of weight loss.
The mind wants to change the eating patterns to lose weight, but if the nervous system needs those patterns to feel safe, the nervous system usually wins.
Your body's need to feel safer by emotionally eating will trump your mind's desire to lose weight every single time.
So what's the secret to how to stop emotional eating?
You need to discover alternative approaches to make yourself feel better without eating emotionally.
That's why EFT tapping can be so helpful. I believe it calms the nervous system.
If you're feeling stressed or anxious, or just bored and restless, you need a way to regulate your nervous system.
What do you use now to regulate your nervous system?
If it's more wine or more food than you know is good for you, you're not bad, broken, or weak.
You aren't lacking in willpower.
You just need additional tools.
You can't stop emotional eating as long at it is the only solution you have to a very real problem.
Coming up with a different solution to the problem your emotional eating is solving today is how to stop emotional eating.
I have other solutions.
I can teach them to you.
Let's work together.
https://LisaDuke.net/schedule to start.
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