Understanding The Model
Get perspective on why you do what you do with The Model
I'd like to share a brief introduction to a great tool I learned at The Life Coach School called The Model.
Did you see the movie The Secret?
If so, you know it introduced the concept of The Law of Attraction. Which basically states that we get more of what we are putting out, whether we want to or not.
For example, we've probably all had that experience of “getting out of the wrong side of the bed”, where something goes wrong and it sets the tone for the rest of the day.
And we've all noticed politically that people who think alike tend to hang out together, and that the more they do so, the more enthusiasm they develop for those ideas, and the more they flatly reject ideas that don't fit their paradigm.
That's totally fine and totally natural, but if that's how the world works, here's the question:
If I don't like what I'm getting in life, what am I thinking and feeling that's bringing this to me?
In other words, if we have perceptual filters that shape how we see the world, how do we step outside of our own brains and see what's happening?
That's where The Model comes in.
It's a tool you can use with a coach who trained at The Life Coach School, and once you get the hang of it, you can DIY it to get visibility into what's going on.
The model basically states that when something happens (our Circumstance), how we think about and react to that Circumstance is often more important that the Circumstance itself.
- So a thing happens, and we have a Thought about that thing – that Circumstance.
- Our Thought about that Circumstance drives how we Feel about it emotionally.
- And what we think and feel about the thing determine our response to it – our behavior – our Action.
- And those Actions give us our Results.
So if we want to know “why do I keep eating ice cream after lunch every day?” or “why do I keep eating chips in front of the TV every night?”, all we have to do is identify how we were feeling the last time it happened, and what our thought was that got the ball rolling on the feeling.
Now yeah, sometimes there's no big reason. Sometimes it's just a habit that we haven't paid much attention to. But as soon as we try to break that habit, we are going to have some Feelings about that. It might just be an urge. Or it might be some emotions we didn't want to feel, and we were using the eating to avoid those feelings.
Now, is this always how absolutely everything happens? Probably not.
I believe there are times our body reacts before our minds have time to even have a thought – like that time I nearly stepped on a snake while hiking. Pretty sure I basically levitated away from that snake before I thought much about it.
But for the most of the challenges most of us face in the modern world, using a tool like the model to gain clarity on why we are doing what we are doing (first after the fact, and then later often in the moment) starts to give us more power and agency to choose our reactions to life.
And I can tell you from experience that once we start to get some agency over ourselves and therefore over our lives, it starts to be a lot more fun.
Want to learn more? Sign up for a free initial consultation to learn more about becoming a client. Details on my program and an online calendar available at https://LisaDuke.net/schedule
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