Awareness – Limiting Beliefs
During the Awareness phase of my proprietary ACE Weight Loss Methodology we often discover limiting beliefs interefering with weight loss in addition to the habit eating and stress/emotional eating already discussed.
So what are limiting beliefs?
A limiting belief is a rule that lives inside your head and affects your behavior either consciously or subconsciously.
Most of these rules are totally made up.
For example, one category of limiting beliefs is any sort of “I AM” statement that stops you from doing what you want to do to improve your health.
“I'm overweight. I've always been overweight. I'll probably always be overweight.”
These are all limiting beliefs.
Now it may be factually correct that you have always been overweight, but can you soften the statement to something that allows for a little wiggle room – for the possibility of change?
“Up until now I've always been overweight” – still true, but see how it introduces the possibility of the future being different?
“I'm a member of the Clean Plate Club.” Ok, well good for you, but breaking news, the plates grandma used are tiny compared to the plates we use today and the enormous platters restaurant meals are served on.
I get not wanting to waste food, but if you are overweight to the point where it is impacting your health, then eating it is not a good use of it, either. Maybe get a dog or a compost bin if you can't stand to put food in the trash. But damaging your body to avoid throwing away a half-eating baked potato is not a great life choice, right?
When our subconscious beliefs are made conscious and our conscious beliefs are questioned the possibility of change from the thought level arises.
You don't have to believe and obey everything you think, friends.
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