Too cute for student loans.


Q: “How do you advise those who need to pursue higher education for their desired career path but do not have financial assistance options other than student loans and need to get their post grad degree done?”


Does your employer offer tuition reimbursement as a benefit?

Have you looked into scholarship options?  My understanding is that there are more scholarships for undergrad than for graduate, but I would look into it before ruling this out.  Often scholarships go unclaimed because no one applies for them, so get creative.

Have you talked to the admissions and financial aid people at the school of your choice?  Do they have any suggestions?

Are you taking the classes ONLY so you can make more money?  If so, have you confirmed that the additional pay is real?  I have friends who graduated from law school and really don’t make much more than they would have with a Bachelor’s degree.

Honestly, I have not gotten a MBA despite an interest in it because I can’t see any ROI for me as an entrepreneur.  

Student loans suck.  Not getting the degree you want because you don’t have the money to pay for classes also sucks.  

If you have thoroughly investigated the options and thought it through and you just want to do it, then just do it and accept the consequences of debt and be thankful that not having cash to pay for classes doesn’t completely shut you out of being able to pursue this program of study.  Sometimes we make these choices.  

Oh, if you are REALLY looking for creative ideas, I hear university is free in Germany (and yes, you can find classes in English) although I don’t know if this applies to post-grad and I don’t know if you are up for that much adventure.

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