Just starting a business is no guarantee of a solution to your money problems.


If you have money problems, you may have had the idea that the solution will come in the form of a business.  More likely, you'll just recreate your financial issues in a different account.


Before I started my first business, I definitely believed starting a business would solve my money problems.   After all, the main problem I thought I had was “not enough money”, and we all know entrepreneurs make lots of money, so starting a business should solve my problem, right?

What I found instead was that starting a business has costs that have to be funded personally until the business starts to bring in cash, and the bad habits I had in my personal account showed up again in my business account.  That shouldn't be surprising, but for some reason it was to me!

If you underearn and/or overspend in your personal account, you will likely do the same thing in your business account.  If you have a deep-seated scarcity consciousness, you will not feel like you have enough even if you do earn lots more in your business.  What's needed is an understanding of what is driving your behavior so you can change it. This understanding and these changes are the most powerful work I do with clients.

For me, it still seems like magic when I do my own work in this area.  While we don't teach this in school or talk about it in society, the truth is that we can change the money scripts we were given.  We can work through emotional memories, which has the result of sort of “compressing the file” so it takes up less of your mental cycles.  We can pull and change individual beliefs by working directly with the subconscious mind so that you don't constantly sabotage ourselves.

In order to resolve our money problems, this is the deep work that is necessary for growth.  If you are ready to make a change in this area, schedule a call so we can work together.  I look forward to working with you.