What is Blocking Abundance For You?


Coaches are trained to see our clients as naturally resourceful and whole.  I also see my clients as naturally abundant.  My job is to help clients discover what is blocking the natural flow of abundance and help them release that.


Each of us are born in touch with our natural selves.  We are naturally in touch with our inner guidance and clearly know our wants and needs.

It is important that as children we learn the ways of the world and how to get along in society from our parents, teachers, and peers.  But as children we lack the ability to discern which lessons are clearly valuable (such as learning a language) and which are bad data that will cause us problems later. We absorb everything as if has equal value, not understanding that our parents are people who have their own issues.

There are times as children our behavior is inappropriate and needs to be corrected.  But when we get the message that WE OURSELVES are wrong (whether because of what is said to us or because of what we make what is said to us mean about us) we learn to live in a way that violates our ability to connect with who and what we truly are.

By nature we have everything we need to live in financial abundance. Nature always provides.  Most land where people live is fertile and can yield more than enough food to support us.  Most of us have natural interests and talents that can be developed into skills and abilities that allow us to provide value to others.  We can then trade the excess fruits of our labor for those items provided by others that we want or need but do not have the ability or interest to create for ourselves.

 When we are told from an early age that our instincts are wrong, we can develop false beliefs and behaviors that get in the way of our natural abundance.  We might be told that only boys can become surgeons and that our parents don't have enough money to both their male child and female child to college (this happened to a friend of mine).  On a more subtle level, we might pick up the belief that money is a source of self-worth and then spend our adult lives trying to make it as a lawyer because it's a high paying job, even though we hate the work and life we are leading.

 Most of my work as a financial coach is to help clients find the areas where they have picked up unhelpful money beliefs as children, stored those beliefs in the subconscious, and run their lives as if they are true. Since for many of us money is a taboo topic, these incorrect beliefs never come to the surface to be examined.  Through journaling, coaching, therapy, or conversation, we start to examine those beliefs for the first time and, if we choose to, set them aside in favor of beliefs that will help us get to that natural abundance each of us desires.

Even the best parents can only prepare you for the world they are living in while you are a child.  Parents and teachers cannot see into the future to understand the world we will live in as adults.  There is no way that they, with their own issues, could have fully prepared us for this new reality.

Be willing to unlearn the scripts and behaviors you were taught as a child.  A great way to identify these is by noticing where you react without thinking and get into trouble.  Perhaps there's a fight you've had with your spouse about money over and over again.  Is this really a mismatch between unexamined scripts you are each operating from?  Is there a coworker who makes you absolutely nuts?  What are they triggering in you?  Is there a belief or past trauma they are touching on that's causing you to respond with fear or anger instead of with calm rationality?

Our work as adults is to understand that everything that happens to us is being processed through our own cognitive filters.  The more of those we can identify and clear, the more we will be able to respond appropriately and stay in the present rather than acting out unresolved drama of the past.

 Where do you get triggered with regards to money?  Does that tie back to childhood experience or subconscious understandings of the world?