Client Case Study: Stuck in a Loop
Most of us have had no formal financial education, and talking about finances with peers is taboo. So how do we decide how to manage our money? Most of us follow the patterns our parents modeled for us.
My client Jamie was in a pattern in her business and personal life of alternating between feast and famine. During our conversation she realized this was recreating the pattern she’d experienced in childhood, where sometimes her family had money and sometimes they did not.
Jamie and I are working together on strategies to try to stabilize her business income by putting some clients on retainer, outsourcing the collections process, and taking on smaller, less glamorous projects in between the big gigs. We are stabilizing her personal income by taking smaller, even amounts out of the business each month and by building up a personal emergency fund.
A good referral for me is your friend, who sometimes picks up the check for the whole table and sometimes complains about being too broke to go out at all. She wants to talk to me about leveling out variable business income and stabilizing her personal finances as well.
If you have a friend who’s sometimes broke and sometimes a baller, connect us so we can schedule a free twenty minute call.
*Client name and some details have been changed to protect privacy.
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